About Us
Core Values
FWFC Core Values are fundamental part of how we perform. These core values help set the standard as well as encourage our Players and Coaches to maintain the highest of standards. Players and Coaches are urged to make these core values an integral part of their soccer lives in order to help them navigate this journey with maximum success.
Professional values should not just be conserved for the professionals. Behaving in a professional manner will guarantee that all situations we encounter will undeniably result in the best outcome possible. Coaches will set the example for all players to follow.
Being part of an Elite level Soccer Club cannot be successfully achieved without dedication. The time and effort needed in order to achieve what we set out to do cannot be replaced by any amount of ability or skill.
Although we at FWFC are able to provide our Players and Coaches with the optimal environment for development and success, the individual will need to take possession of their own destiny. By taking ownership, the individual will be much more willing to strive to be the best that they can be as well as correct as many issues that might be standing in the way of success as possible.
With so many players and coaches looking to achieve the same thing, we feel as though encouraging an excellence that sets those individuals (and teams) apart from the rest is extremely important. Thinking outside of the box, going the extra mile and developing a contrast of excellence between yourself and others is what we expect from our FWFC family.
Defined as “providing an extreme degree of strength, force, energy or feeling” is what we expect from our FWFC family when it comes to their passion and participation for all things FWFC. By approaching all sessions, games, events with the right type of intensity it will once again be a shorter route to the success and achievement desired.